Cambridge Carbon Footprint are once again delighted to offer to residents, and organisations, across Cambridge and South Cambs the opportunity to borrow and learn how to use a thermal imaging camera for free, to help create cosier and more efficient homes.
Learn how to interpret thermal images, to identify draughts, gaps in insulation and heating problems. Knowing where your home is leaving heat is great for deciding on home improvements, and making fixes, both for homeowners and renters.
In their last borrowing period, over 600 individuals were successfully trained across the region.
Individuals or organisations are also encouraged to undertake training in order to survey multiple homes. In 2024, volunteers from communities across Cambridgeshire surveyed of 113 neighboring homes and community buildings.
Training Sessions:
Free training sessions will take place online from 7.30-9pm on: Wed 11th Dec, Tue 14th Jan, Wed 12th Feb
Cameras are solely leant to people who have attended the training. Free loans of cameras are available until April, with each loan running from a Friday afternoon to a Monday morning, or Monday afternoon to a Friday morning.
Find out more and sign up to a training session at: www.cambridgecarbonfootprint.org/events