the chatty cafe

Christmas might be a time of celebration and spending time with family and friends, but it can also be the time of year when lonliness and social isolation can feel all the more acute.

The Chatty Cafe scheme aims to combat this, simply by encouraging people to chat more. Often people will venture into a coffee shop or cafe and sit alone, but as the Founder of the scheme wondered; what if one of those people approached someone and the two strangers enjoyed chatting over their coffee and then parted ways. Both would no doubt feel happier, brighter and more optimistic about life.

There are over 900 Chatter & Natter tables in cafes throughout the UK. In addition, Online Chatty Cafe Sessions run two days a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-1.30pm.

Too often people are hesitant to join a group or club whether through shyness, financial reasons or concern for the commitment needed. Chatter & Natter is different. There is no need to sign up, no commitment to turn up each week or even stay for the full hour. Nobody needs to share any personal details and it only costs the price of a drink. Anyone with financial concerns can let the organisers know.

We had a chat with Gwen who organises the Royston Chatty Café table on a Monday at Kooky Nohmad. Gwen explains that it is ‘more than just a cuppa!’.
“It’s not a ‘meeting’ that people need to attend regularly (although lots do because we do so enjoy our sessions!) it’s purely a get together on a Monday and people can pick and choose when they join us, depending on how they are feeling. It’s not about the numbers attending, it’s about making a difference to those who are there. Our table has been running for only 8 months but has definitely established itself as a regular ‘date for the diary’ whether you are 18 or 80 plus!

“I love our Monday get togethers, it’s so nice to share what our respective weeks have been like or maybe we’ll just catch up on the latest elimination from Strictly!”

“It’s unanimously agreed that being a part of the Chatter & Natter table makes people feel a part of the local community. Our group has formed a lively Whatsapp chat, and some members regularly meet for lunch or coffees during the week, a couple of them have even been on an outing to the seaside together. We have one lovely lady who regularly plays indoor bowls, and two other ladies have now joined the bowls team too. You can see the group is giving people the confidence to try other activities in the community. It’s a lovely feeling that it’s making such a difference to people’s lives.
“15 of us had a fabulous evening meal out at The Jolly Postie in August and our Christmas celebration meal is already booked!”

Chatty Café at The Buntingford Coffee Shop
61 High St, Buntingford SG9 9AE
Every Wed 10-11.30am
Our Chatter & Natter table hosted by Leigh – everyone is welcome to join us for a chat!

Chatty Cafe Royston meets at the table nearest to the front door at Kooky Nohmad, Royston SG8 9AG, every Monday between 12 noon and 1.30pm
It’s very informal and friendly, no need to book, just grab yourself a cuppa and come and sit down, we chat about anything and everything!

Chatty Cafe at Bassingbourn United Reformed Church, SG8 5NJ, meets on Thursdays, 2-4pm
Here is somewhere in the village of Bassingbourn offering free refreshments and a good old chat about all kinds of things that people love to talk about. We are also the Hub for Cambridgeshire ACRE on these days and can point you in the direction of where to get all kinds of assistance with GP surgery hours, pension/credit advice and help, bus timetables and anything that helps everyone to live well in Bassingbourn and the surrounding villages. Please do pop in to see us on a Thursday afternoon, you will always get a warm welcome and a cuppa and a chat.
Contact Barbara Isherwood on 07974 694 664.

To find out more about The Chatty Cafe Scheme, visit