Sustainable Shepreth
By Elisabeth Goodman Spain

Sustainable Shepreth was initiated in 2023 by village residents passionate about finding ways to address the effects of climate change and the loss of biodiversity in their community.
Our constitution states that “Sustainable Shepreth is committed to work in a collective way to transition our community to a form of sustainability that benefits everyone and leaves no-one behind”. Our strapline is: working as a village to nurture our environment.
The Steering team of nine volunteers meets monthly. We have the support of the Parish Council and other village and local groups such as Friends of the River Shep, Shepreth Wildlife Park, Wildlife Trust BCN, Cambridge Carbon Footprint, and the local Community Rail Partnership.
The Eco Fair in January attracted about 200 people, many from well beyond the village. The first Repair Café and Swish (clothes swap) was similarly popular. Regular activities include a quarterly litter pick (the latest one led by Barrington Guides and Rangers), and working parties and wellbeing activities on the nature reserve (the L-Moor). There are “red bins” by the village hall for items excluded from normal recycling collections. We are working with the Parish Council on plans for community energy, how to manage flooding and water resources generally and additional ways to nurture wildlife in the village.
Our next major activity is “Shepreth Past, Present and Future”, an inter-generational art event running for a week in August, culminating in an exhibition in the church.
You can find out more at https://bit.ly/sustainableshepreth and contact us at sustainableshepreth@gmail.com. Sustainable Shepreth is also on Facebook.