Visit the market town of Royston, Hertfordshire, this August, and enjoy the glorious Umbrella Sky Display!
The summer decorations for the town have been organised by Royston First, the town’s Business Improvement District (BID), which delivers on a variety of projects that help to promote the town and support the local businesses.
Umbrella Sky Displays can be traced back to mainland Europe before coming to the UK a few years ago. The displays have proven a popular tourist attraction that helps to bring more visitors to our town centres. Not only do the umbrellas brighten up the town centre, but also increase footfall, which encourages people to shop locally.
To coincide with the art installation, Royston First have organised two free Umbrella Parade Children’s Trails this summer, where children and families can search for the umbrellas hidden within the shop windows. The trails take place during the school holidays, until 3rd August, with a second trail running from 16th-31st August.
BID Manager Paul Brown explains, “The Town Trails and the Umbrella Sky Display are one way of increasing footfall into our town centre, and to encourage people to shop locally. Royston town centre is home to over 100 independent businesses, and an increasing number of them are artisan or service-based – meaning that they offer something that just can’t be bought online. We look forward to welcoming visitors from further afield this summer.”
Families can download an entry form for the Umbrella Parade Trail at www.roystonfirst.com/umbrella or collect a form from Royston Library, Kooky Nohmad or The Jolly Postie, Royston.
To find out more information about Royston First please visit roystonfirst.com or follow
@RoystonFirst on FB and Instagram