
Local Connections Magazines are delivered through letterboxes every two months, to 14,000 local households.

Buntingford and Surrounding Villages

Delivered to 7,000 homes in
Anstey, Aspenden, Braughing, Brent Pelham, Brook End, Buckland, Buntingford, Chipping, Cottered, Furneux Pelham, Great Hormead, Green End, Hare Street, Hay Street, Little Hadham, Little Hormead, Meesden, Mill End, Rushden, Sandon, Stocking Pelham, Throcking, Westmill, Wyddial

South of Cambridge

Delivered to 7,000 homes in
Barrington, Foxton, Great Shelford, Harlton, Harston, Haslingfield, Hauxton, Little Eversden, Little Shelford, Newton, Stapleford

Local Connections Magazine is brought to you by the team behind The Listing.
The Listing launched in 2005, and publishes two community magazines in Royston and the wider SG8 area. These are delivered to 17,300 local households, through letterboxes every month.

The Listing Royston

Reaching 7,800 homes and businesses in Royston, Herts

The Listing SG8 Villages

Reaching 9,500 homes in North Herts and South Cambs SG8 Villages: Abington Piggotts, Arrington, Ashwell, Barkway,  Barley, Bassingbourn, Fowlmere, Great Chishill, Guilden Morden, Heydon,  Kelshall, Kneesworth, Litlington, Melbourn, Meldreth, Orwell, Reed, Shepreth, Steeple Morden, Therfield, Thriplow, Whaddon, Wimpole

You can reach over 31,000 Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire homes with Local Connections Magazines and The Listing Magazines!

Contact us today to discuss your advertising requirements.