South of Cambridge

How are you South Cambs? H.A.Y

How are you South Cambs? H.A.Y Connecting with others, getting active, learning a new skill, being creative, seeking professional support, exploring the outdoors, volunteering – all these things (and more) can improve wellbeing…but it isn’t always easy to know what is on your doorstep or to feel comfortable trying something new. How Are You South […]

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Grand Safari in Cambridge

Families are invited to embark on an incredible safari at Grand Arcade, Cambridge and the University of Cambridge Museum of Zoology this Summer. Take a walk on the wild side at BRICKLIVE Grand Safari, an exhibition running from 10th to 27th August, featuring 15 extraordinary creatures handcrafted entirely from tiny bricks. BRICKLIVE’S Grand Safari trail

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Rail and Ale Trail

A Rail and Ale trail – which puts a spotlight on using local trains and the walks you can take to the village pubs in South Cambridgeshire – has been published by the District Council alongside the Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton Community Rail Partnership. The Trail takes you on different walks from local train stations

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Sustainable Shepreth

Sustainable Shepreth By Elisabeth Goodman Spain Sustainable Shepreth was initiated in 2023 by village residents passionate about finding ways to address the effects of climate change and the loss of biodiversity in their community. Our constitution states that “Sustainable Shepreth is committed to work in a collective way to transition our community to a form

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Visit Royston Cave This Summer

Royston Cave was discovered by accident in 1742, while workman were digging foundations. They hit hard stone, and eventually unearthed a millstone which when they lifted, had been plugging a shaft to a cave. Manmade and beehive shaped, it is cut 8m into the chalk that lies beneath the ancient crossroads of Icknield Way and

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Complementary Therapy Tips for You

Laura shared that tuning into one or more of the seven senses: touch, smell, sight, taste, sound, proprioception and interoception can support your wellbeing along with a positive waking and a bedtime routine to ensure good quality sleep. Tips to de-stress at times of worry or anxiety, such as giving yourself a hand massage (videos

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Picnic food for Outside Dining

Picnic food for Outside DiningBy Rob Bullock The warm sunny weather is perfect for eating outside but there is more to a picnic than sandwiches. Here are some picnic food ideas for dining outside this summer. It is said that the word picnic derives from the 17th century French word “pique-nique,” a phrase that

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